
Digital Marin redesigns website

Digital Marin recently redesigned their website on the ProudCity platform. As a ProudCity Certified Service Partner, Department of Civic Things supported the organization with: Reorganizing and labeling pages Creating web content for their strategic plan, so it’s not just PDF Redesigning their digital resources The content on the new website prioritizes connecting people to digital resources … Continued

Santa Ana, California launches new city website

Santa Ana, California (pop. 332,610) recently launched a new website using the ProudCity platform, featuring their most common government digital services. As a ProudCity Certified Service Partner, Department of Civic Things supported the City’s product owner and project team with: Content strategy and design Plain language training Website accessibility training The content on the new … Continued

How to share updates (and why they increase public trust)

A new website project ends with a launch, but your website is never done. When you get feedback, you should report out about what you did. An easy way to do this is a regular update with a list of things you’ve done and things you are doing to improve the site. Sharing updates increases public … Continued

Beginner’s guide to digital community engagement

How to create sustainable and effective community engagement for your government agency Written in collaboration with Go Vocal (formerly CitizenLab), this guide walks you through the basics of digital community engagement and is meant to serve as a resource for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. After all, setting a solid foundation for your community engagement … Continued

How to empower the local government product owner

Purpose The purpose of an empowered government product owner is to make sure that a government service or program is effective and meets people’s needs. “There must be a single product owner who has the authority and responsibility to assign tasks and work elements; make business, product, and technical decisions; and be accountable for the … Continued

Blending offline & online community engagement

In this CitizenLab webinar, Milzy Carrasco, Director of Community Engagement for Lancaster, PA and Rebecca Woodbury, who runs Department of Civic Things, discuss how local governments can combine online and offline community engagement to reach more people, build trust, and make more strategic and equitable decisions. From survey design to pop-up workshops, we discussed the … Continued

ProudCity Turns to Partners to Unbundle Web Tech, Service

Originally published May 2021 in GovTech Magazine: The company, which offers technology to help local governments set up and run their websites, is using certified partners so that agencies can use different firms for things like implementation and content development. The company provides open source technology for local government websites, but to actually own a … Continued

How local governments are responding to the pandemic (radio show)

In this episode, Voices of the Community features the voices of the cofounder of CivicMakers Judi Brown, Assistant Director of Human Resources at the City of San Jose Kelli Parmley, and former Director of Digital Services and Open Government for the City of San Rafael, Rebecca Woodbury. We focus on the impact that the COVID-19 … Continued

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